Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Call Him Lazarus

So, we had a friend visiting from out of town, and you know the drill. The kids climb, hop, skip and jump on the floor, walls, ceiling, etc. in order to impress "Uncle Bob."

Superhero decided to play dead.

Uncle Bob: "Uh-oh, I see we have a dead person in the road. I wonder if he's just playing possum."

Superhero doesn't move.

UB: "I guess I'll have to step on him."

SH: still doesn't move (which is very brave; Uncle Bob is a full grown man).

Uncle Bob pretends to step on Superhero who still does not move a muscle. Then after Uncle Bob sits back down, he begins to get up.

UB: "I see he's alive after all."

SH: "It's by God's power!"

Now, that's living faith!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Surprise Down Under?

Last night I went to a swanky art reception.

Everybody got dressed up. The kids were dressed well, (even Ladybug) and we all went to attend an important party to celebrate the artistic talents of my mother and sister.

Things were going well, for the most part. Mine were the only children there, and they managed to keep the chaos to a dull roar.

Princess told my mom that she had to go to the bathroom, and as she is a wonderful Grandma (Draa), off they went. This is what I was told transpired while in the bathroom:

Draa (pulling up the fancy dress): Princess, you don't have any panties on!

Princess: I don't got some.

Draa: Does Mommy know you don't have any on?

Princess: (with a cute smile) No, it's a surprise!

Well, my mom thought she would end up peeing right there she was laughing so hard. And then she proceeded to tell everybody at the reception that my daughter had no underwear!!!

Sheesh! You'd think she was a grandma or something!

By the way, they both won awards!! Click here to see their artwork. Nikki and Shannon

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ups and Downs

This is an incredible video a family member sent me. It's a European film that I hope I get to watch when it comes out. It's called "Most-the Bridge"

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait

To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite bloggers, " I'm a great Mom. Except when I'm not."

I blew it again.

Yesterday I was in a hurry. I don't even remember why at the moment, but I needed to go somewhere, and go now. I didn't have a large time window.

Princess was pushing my buttons that day, and I wanted to give her an opportunity to redeem herself. That in of itself would have been fine.

But I told her to go tot the bathroom.


Without supervision.

Now, Princess is 3 1/2 years old and she is perfectly able to go potty. But, she has a tendency to forget details. Like wiping, flushing or washing her hands.

So, someone needs to remind her to do those things.

But I was busy and in the car, trying to get all of the huge balls of kinetic energy (read children) into their seats and strapped in. Princess was taking too long, so I went to the basement stairs and shouted up the stairs to her what was taking so long. Then I saw her.

Completely naked from the waist down. One shoe and sock on, one off. It seems that she forgot to put the toilet seat down when she went to wash her hands and stepped into the toilet (don't worry, it was clean).

In hind sight it was hilarious! But I didn't laugh. I got angry.

I was inconvenienced, by having to interrupt my almighty schedule for a short person. So I stomped upstairs, get her new clothes, and generally let her know that I was not happy with her.

She got the point. She cried and said, "Sorry, Mommy"

So, how many times do we hurry our children, demand that they conform to our schedules and then we get irritated when they can't keep up?

In my own selfishness, I forget that my children are little people that need to be loved and not herded like cattle from one event to the next.

A great quote from Lorrie Fleming of Teach Magazine states, "The Bible shows us over and over again that the greatest enemy of God's will and God's best is often impatience."

It's o.k. I made up with Princess. I have learned long ago to not let my mistakes slip past me when possible. I apologize to my children when I mess up, and they are gracious enough to forgive me.
