Friday, October 21, 2011

My Heart Sings

There is a myth out there in homeschooling circles. It's the myth that every child in the family loves each other all the time. They are always kind to each other, speak sweet words, and never argue. I won't even address the perfect actions and manners in public.

That's what it is: a myth. Let me say that again. IT'S A MYTH!!!!

However, sometimes we do get to see moments of glory in our children, that if I weren't homeschooling, I would not get to see. For instance:

Today, Ponygirl was fussing at Princess for using "her" e-book. Then I turned right around and fussed at her for hoarding something that was not "hers" to begin with.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it.

Anyway, I just noticed a few seconds ago that the house was very quiet.

This makes me nervous, but more on that later....

So, I go check on everyone and what they are doing. Ponygirl is sitting on the basement steps WITH Princess at this moment, and letting her read the e-book and even helping her read the harder words.

What can I say? My heart sings for moments like these. Glimpses of heaven as it will be. No pain, tears, death, or arguing.

A mother's heaven.