Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hello world!!

O.K. So, I'm supposed to type in what I want to blog about. I am drawing a blank, then suddenly I look over to a picture on my desk of my four pumpkin doodles. I think, life is too funny not to share. I am a stay at home mom to four ever increasingly active monkeys that I homeschool in my spare time (or is that the other way around?). We are busy, exciting, and NEVER dull.

For instance, tonight I get back from a meeting and go to "tuck" 3 year old Princess into bed, when she shared with me her "painting" on the wall. Yes, you guessed it, a brand new, huge portrait crayon all over her beautifully hand painted mural wall that my mom laboriously fashioned herself. Oops! But she was so proud of this "work of art"!

I was so stunned at first, I just stared. Then I caught her face out of the corner of my eye, the lip starting to know the rest, how could I be upset with such a sensitive artist? If I said anything, she might never draw again! As Todd Wilson says in his column this week, respect can come another day, maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Tonight I'll go to bed knowing that I "loved" Princess more than the beautiful wall...sigh...that's real.


Sherri said...

I love the artwork and the blog! I'll have to bookmark you so I can keep up with you guys. Shhhh and FYI - A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser should take that crayon off the wall, if you're so inclined to remove it! :)

Much love my friend,

Javier said...

Hey, Honey! Happy to post the first comment on your blog. =)

Luci1 said...

I shall bookmark this one in my favorites!! I think you and I have a similar template. Must send you my link via email soon (mine's private).

Mari said...

Todd would be so proud. That's awesome and encouraging how you handled it. Welcome to blogland, it's a whole new crazy world.