Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tea Revolution

I used to be a coffee drinker. I would go pretty much cold turkey whenever I found out I was pregnant. I know one can usually get away with one cup of coffee a day, but my ob/gyn was a stickler about it. Of course, I didn't always follow his advice (he also said no chocolate), but for the most part, I was a good girl.

Then, one of my girlfriends (yes, I do have more than one) introduced me to tea. You see, she grew up in a different country where they drink tea all the time, and if I wanted to entertain her, I needed to have my own stash of tea. Now, I had tried tea before, but for the most part dismissed it as an occasional fruity concoction that I would have with a scone or something. I never realized how serious tea was.

Or how addicted I would become.

I had never really had unflavored black tea before, but my friend showed me that with a little milk and sugar, it was quite tasty. Then it happened, quite unexpectedly.

I had chai.

Never before had I tasted anything so incredibly... incredible! The spices, the milk, the tea.

The strong tea. I was in heaven. I was hooked, and I have never looked back.

Yes, I do still have my coffeemaker in my house for the infidels in my life who still prefer coffee, but for my part, I want to share with you five good reasons to drink tea over coffee.
  • Tea is so much easier to make than coffee. It takes less time, and you don't have to grind anything.

  • You can make just one cup. I know there are single serving coffeemakers out there, but for the most part, they still take a bit of time.

  • You can make chai. Not the same with coffee. At all. I've tried it.

  • Afternoon coffee and afternoon tea mean totally different things. If you've never had afternoon tea, I am so sorry...

  • Although tea does stimulate you, it relaxes you at the same time. It doesn't affect you like coffee does. Also, it doesn't have as much caffeine, so if you're counting mg's of caffeine, you can have 2 1/2 cups of tea to equal one cup of coffee.
Now, I have to say that loose leaf tea is a lot of fun to drink, a lot like coffee in how you make it. My usual throughout the day, though, is bagged tea (sorry, Mari). For special occasions, I make my secret special chai tea, and I always use loose leaf tea. You can check out Tea and Traditions, and peruse their site, if you wish.

Now I will tell you how to make the most incredible chai in the world. I have had many willing guinea pigs tell me this is way better than what Starbucks offers.

First, you need about 4-5 cups of really strong black tea.

Then... Ah, if you want the rest of the recipe, make a comment, and I will send it to you. After all, it is a secret!


Tea & Traditions said...

If you are pressed for time, we always have a great Masala Chai available...way better, well than, you know that other "guy". I don't want the recipe because I can't think of doing it myself when I have perfectly good chai and lots of it within 6 feet of me most of the time. I'd love to try yours though.

lostinlegos said...

okay, Brandie, you've made me curious. Send the recipe; I promise not to let your secret out.

Mrs. Longoria said...


I think I know who you are, but I'm not sure. If you send me your email, I'll send you the recipe.

David, Tammy, Megan and Hobbes said...

I've never been a coffee drinker and over the past year have started drinking tea. I love the loose leaf teas too but I still like my bags for convenience!

You'll have to make us some Chai Tea at small group....

Luci1 said...

Oh...Lost in Legos should totally be my name thingy...oh well.

send me the recipe.

Luci1 said...


where are my manners??!!

I am so tired...that's my excuse for everything now.


Mrs. Longoria said...

No, apology needed. I so remember those days. Still have them from time to time, but glad the "every day" thing is gone.....I'd still like another one if I didn't have to carry it or give birth...or stay up late....does that count?