Friday, October 24, 2008

Thoughts from the Rocking Chair

So, I sat and rocked, sat and rocked.
Sat and rocked, sat and rocked.
Sat and rocked, sat and rocked.

Poor ladybug came down with croup, and she is miserable. She wanted her Mommy, and just wanted to be cuddled, wanted to be held, wanted to be rocked.

So I did.

Now, I admit that I don't like to rock my children to sleep. I got caught in that trap with the first one, then had a heck of a time trying to teach her later how to fall asleep on her own. So with the others, I loved them, kissed them and put them down to bed.

Worked like a charm.

Until they get sick.

And to be honest, I'm a sucker for a sickie. When they feel puny, I feel powerful. They know that only Mommy can stop the hurt, and if Mommy can't, then she'll stick with you until it does stop hurting.

What they don't know is all the things that go through my mind, all the projects that go undone, and the chores that need to be finished. I'm thinking about the floor needing to be swept, email to be answered, dishes to be done. It is in these moments that I realize what a hard time it is for me to be still. I guess I'm a Martha at heart, and it's not natural for me to just sit.

But I did tonight. I fought the demons of industry and just sat and rocked. With God's help I did it for her.

Ladybug was finally ready for bed and asked to get into it. I had tried earlier, but she just wasn't ready and fussed. So I picked her back up and rocked.

I sat and rocked, sat and rocked.

It feels good to do the right thing. At least I get it right from time to time


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