Hubby got laid off on Friday, and though I know in my head everything will be alright, it's been easy to be a bit nervous.
But as I was in church today, I was reminded a passage from one of one of my favorite books, "The Basket of Flowers."
"But God, who chastens even is best-loved children, will not suffer them to become too deeply attached to the things of earth. Afflictions (troubles) are sent to remind them that this world is not their rest-to wean their affections from earth, and fix them securely above."In other words, God in His mercy allows to be taken away from us things that may distract us from depending on Him.
Things like a job.
Then at dinner, I was tidying and watching Lady bug, who is almost two, play after getting down from the table. She started singing:
"Yes, Jesus loves me. The bible tells me so."Yes, Lord, I hear You. These words from my toddler hit home and I remember that You are in control.
Hubby's work is not my anchor or my security.
You are.
Thank you.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Heb 6:19
I'm going to be praying for you! I didn't realize that you husband had lost his job. It was good to see you at the SHOUT meeting.
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