Sunday, June 28, 2009

Which One Are You?

Something very interesting happened today. The drought is finally over in Georgia (yeah!) and with the temperatures soaring, it felt like a sauna. Yuck! So I had a choice. Take my four kids (three of which cannot swim on their own) to the pool or let them run in the sprinklers. Hmmm...

So I'm turning on the sprinklers by hand because the wires going to the timer aren't working (long story, all about a rat. I'll tell you sometime). Then I spy movement in the hole.

Now, you have to understand, I'm extremely afraid of putting my hand down dark holes in the ground to begin with. Black widow spiders abound around here, no need to say more. But I didn't expect to see what I saw.

A snake.

Yes, a snake. Not very big, but a snake none the less! I was poking my stick in the hole trying to weed out any potential spiders when I saw movement in the bottom. We just stared at each other, too surprised by the other's presence to do anything.

It was at this moment that I thought about who I resemble more: Steve Irwin or Jeff Corwin?

Steve Irwin (RIP) was known to take crazy chances and grab the snake by the tail with his hand. He was spit on, bit and squeezed purple on more than one occasion.

Jeff Corwin, on the other hand, always uses a snake stick. Jeff is much more careful and calculated.

Both can be flashy and daring, but one is planned and one could be careless.

My husband is definitely Jeff Corwin. He is calculated, logical and careful. He has an immaculate driving record (and is handsome to boot).

I, on the other hand, tend to be impulsive and shoot from the hip. Yes, I'm lots of fun and can be very entertaining, and the two personalities can compliment each other very well, but I'm not very logical at times!!!

So what do you think I did?

Well, I'm also a homeschooling mom, so I yelled for my kids to come out and see the cool snake. They all came and got to witness it going deeper into the hole away from the likes of us. Then I did my Steve Irwin thing and turned on the sprinklers (yes, I put my hand down the hole and turned it on by hand).

Fortunately, it was just a rat snake. I didn't know what it was at first, but I knew it wasn't poisonous.

Sometimes, I just gotta be me!

Still two handed,

P.S. Remind me next time to tell you the story about the rat that I blame for having to turn on the sprinklers by hand in the first place.

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