Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confessions of an Insane Woman

What is it that drives a person to compel oneself onto a large rotating band of rubber while staring out a window for 30 minutes?

I am, of course referring to the insane pursuit of jogging. Some call it running, some call it just plain stupid. I was one of the latter until recently.

To be exact, just 3 short weeks ago, I was fantasizing about running down a beach in slow motion, hair beads flying back and forth.....oh! Wrong picture...

Actually, I was wishing I had what it takes to be a runner. I have always wanted to get past the "I hate this, when can I stop" stage and reach the euphoria that so many of my friends have reached.

Now I am part of the pack.

Well, more like I am in the back of the pack. So far back you can't really see me unless you use a telescope. But trust me, I am there.

I haven't hit that magic point when I can say that I actually love it, but I like it a lot more than I ever thought I would. In fact, I ran for 3 straight minutes today.

Don't laugh!! I know you're laughing out there...

But just 2 weeks ago, I couldn't even run for 60 seconds.

Now if I can just live through my training sessions, I'll be ready to run 5K races in the spring. I have no idea where I'll be in the pack at that point, but again, I'll be there.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh man, I am just like you, Brandie. I used to be an aerobics instructor! And I love to walk (I just walked to Target yesterday.)

But I HATED to run in gym class as a kid, and I hate it now.