Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Miss Me Yet?"

Here is an interesting billboard that has been popping up all over the internet and news media.

Made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair.

You see, dear reader, I am a complete "W" fan. Yes, I admit it. I am one of a few (seemingly) people that believed that President Bush was a good man who lead our country through a very difficult time.

No other President in history had to deal with what he did. He lead this country like he cared about it. He never apologized for his actions, he did what he thought needed to be done.

He never (and still doesn't) defend his decisions to the media, who hated him. The main stream media, and even some conservative talk shows ripped him to shreds and he never defended himself. I wish he had.

The secret is that he doesn't care what the media thinks of him. They called him stupid. He didn't stand up and say that you can't fly a fighter jet if you're stupid. They called him a "red neck". He said, "Yup!" They said he was hell bent on a personal vendetta. He didn't bother to answer.

Was he perfect? No. He never claimed to be. Did he make some wrong judgments? Yes, I think he did say that. But his intent was never a personal agenda. And he NEVER got mad about people disagreeing with him, like other people we know. Here is the link to the story of the billboard, I think it's worth a read.


Dakotapam said...

Totally miss him:)

Mary said...

Love it! He had class, unlike some other elected official.