I understand your desire for young women to not to have to suffer the consequences of sometimes horrible mistakes or, even worse, acts of violence. I am thankful to know that you care deeply about American women.
Having said that, please stop supporting FOCA. This legislation is not about protecting the rights of women; it is about worshiping the gods of convenience and fear.
You yourself have said that you did not support "anti abortion" legislation in Illinois because there was already good legislation on record. If it is good legislation, don't change it by making federal laws that supersede state laws. Let the states decide for themselves what is best.
Besides, if you truly look at what the procedure entails, you would see that abortion is ripping living beings apart limb by limb into small pieces. These living beings have beating hearts, brain waves and can feel pain and fear. In some horrible circumstances, these living beings are killed after being partially born, their skulls imploded.
If this happened to puppies, the nation would be outraged! Why then, is it OK to do this to innocent children?
The day babies are born, everyone knows they are alive. What about the day before that? Or the day before that? How far back do you go before they are no longer alive? I mean the heart beats at 7 weeks.
If you use "being able to breath on their own" as a sign of life, what about the born babies, children and even adults that are on respirators? Are they not alive, even after they are born?
Why then is there such a discrepancy between when they are alive or not? I believe it is whether or not they are wanted by their mother.
Mr. Obama, these children have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness just as much as someone who who has been born but cannot breath, walk, talk or feed themselves.
I implore you to follow the logic of those who support FOCA. The logical conclusion is that it will eventually be OK to murder someone because you do not like them.
I know that you consider yourself a Christian, and I plead with you to read the book of Judges. All through the book, the history of the new nation of Israel (about our age, actually) states how they kept turning away from God. One of the things they kept doing was worshiping other gods and sacrificing their children to them. Are we not doing the same thing?
God removed His blessing from Israel, and so He has been removing His hand of blessing from us. The good news, however, is that they kept turning back to Him, and so can we.
I beg you to see the signs, the things happening right in front of you. You are an extremely intelligent man, and I know you can see it if you look.
Please look.
Everything hinges on what you do. The lives of thousands of children depend on you.
May God bless you and give you His wisdom,
Brandie Longoria
Well said!
Greatly stated, and my comment is... Mr. Obama (or anyone else that supports abortion)... what gives you the right? Your mother chose not to abort you and you were given the right to live. What if your mom had chosen to abort you? Look at a picture of a baby each day from conception to birth. It is obviously life, and if you see it (and see it move), you probably will not be able to abort it.
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