Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Obama care

Here is an excellent article I came across that discloses exactly why I am against the health care reform. It is not because I am better off than anyone else, or because I am a conservative. It is because of the same reason that I wouldn't have my "female exams" done by my doctor employer. There are some things that should remain private!

article at Morningstar Ministries.

Happy reading,


Joel Odom said...

It's interesting that you mention privacy. A lot of people like to disregard privacy saying that you shouldn't care as long as you have nothing to hide. They forget that privacy is, in-and-of-itself, valuable.

Mrs. Longoria said...

You know, Joel, I think people forget that privacy is a fundamental reason the European pilgrims came here int he first place. They just wanted to be left alone.